Summer's End

September blows a cooling breeze and a soft whisper breaks out across the clan of trees: with a little more conviction in its breath shrivelled leaves scatter across the cigarette-stained tarmac. Shadows quiver and sway like light dancing over ripples of water. The sun's tired fingers touch the path I'm walking up. Glowing with a warn auburn haze under my wayfarers, the willowy trees are sapping up every last ilk of light bursting from the sky. The teenagers sprawled in a sweaty heap are absorbing the rays too: clouding their sight with billows of smoke and laughter. I climb the path and their curious eyes follow me. Up, up, up the path I go. The excitement of the unknown grabs me as I turn through a stone-walled tunnel, revealing patches and patches of green among narrow paths. It's the familiar side of the wall. The one i know too well. The freshly discovered wonderland entices me and I turn back, planting myself down next to a huge tree. The soft brown bark was just peeling itself free from Summer, when I opened my book, began to read and knew it really was, the last days of Summer.


  1. we really enjoyed reading your piece about summers end it's beautiful but sad to see the summer least autumn we'll bring halloween,bonfire night,(and some birthday's too!)keep writing,
    Ellis and Nita

  2. Hi Daniella! It's Joelle from the fashion show yesterday. Checking out your blog and it's fabulous!
    Lovely piece on the end of Summer. I love this time of year :)

  3. Hiya!

    Sorry i have taken so long to reply.
    Ah thank you so much, it's a working progress haha Thank you! Yeah i love it too:)
    I'm just off to check your blog now, was lovely meeting you the other day.




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