Fast Fashion Thinking
The other day I came home practically dancing through the door. I was in the type of mood which, to anyone else must have been extremely irritating; I felt like I had just chugged down three coffees and was seeing everything through gold-tinted lenses. This was very different to the corpse-like, apathetical mood which had consumed me all day. It was freezing out and all I could think of was snuggling under the duvet with a hot chocolate, but then I entered The British Heart Foundation charity shop, my thoughts of Hot Chocolate and cosiness slipped away: I had found a coat; an Olive green coat, with a shearing trim and collar, three brown ring buckles running down it. I tried it on and felt like I was in some old Russian movie. I felt human again, awake and stirred by buying something I wanted to sleep in it, I liked it so much. My mum's comment that I was turning into Scrooge with all this Charity shop splurges dissolved instantly. I hung it in my wardrobe envisaging wearin...